Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oudoor Watercolour sketch...              

I rarely paint in watercolour - as I prefer the rich depths, sensuality and versatility of oil paint... I do, however,  often use watercolour techniques in my oil paintings. More recently I have been re-exploring watercolour as a very useful medium for outdoor work - for very quickly roughing in ideas for landscape paintings when I have little time to get the oils out.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

As Above so Below

As Above, so Below... 

Here I had a few moments to try out some new coloured graphite pencils between working on a series of large-scale commissioned paintings. A long-term project, these works explore various ideas about the connections and parallels between nature, landscape and human consciousness.

Our natural environment becomes an analogy or reflection of the inner nature of humanity... Conscious, creative being - evolving, growing, striving, blooming, transforming, withering, fading, decaying, transitioning, ascending... The endless cycle of life... death... rebirth....

Through our five senses, we are limited in perceiving much of our surrounding physical environment and it's contents as solid, static and separate. Yet we simultaneously have an awareness and understanding that all things are connected and composed of continually fluctating, vibrating, moving, energy, matter and space....

Drawing on this State of Mind...

The Sounds of Time...

I find that drawing puts me in a very relaxed state of mind from which many insights and images are inspired. Often I begin absent any starting concept, but rather with simple sense of calm acceptance. I don't worry about a finished result... I'm just doodling, allowing images and ideas to flow... connecting with a source of inspiration that is both familiar and wondrous to me....